Top 3 Reasons you Should Eat Dark Chocolate

Top 3 Reasons you Should Eat Dark Chocolate

Typically, when you hear dark chocolate, your mind would not be screaming healthy! You would probably be thinking that this sweet treat is forbidden. But what if we told you that is not the case. In fact, dark chocolate is a very healthy snack that is commonly incorporated into many meal plans.

Dark chocolate is jam-packed with loads of nutrients that are scientifically proven to be of great benefit to your health. Therefore, in this post, we will share three great reasons why you should make dark chocolate a part of weekly food choices.

Dark Chocolate is filled with Antioxidants

Dark chocolate is made from cocoa beans, which are packed with organic compounds rich in antioxidants, so it is only natural that its byproduct would also be a great source. Antioxidants are essential to maintaining our health and wellness, as they can significantly reduce or prevent damage to the cells within our organs. Some of the antioxidants that are present in dark chocolate include but are not limited to catechins, polyphenols, and flavanols.

In a study published in 2011, researchers looked at the Cacao seeds as the “Super Fruit. In this study, the results suggest that cocoa powder was the most concentrated source of antioxidants in comparison to various fruit powders, including acai berries.

Dark Chocolate can Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease

Pure dark chocolate that has no added sugar and saturated fat is actually pretty good for the heart. Studies suggest that it contains potent compounds that are instrumental in combating bad cholesterol that can clog up blood vessels and affect the heart. As such, medical experts have determined that it can be added in healthy amounts and varieties to the diet to help with the reduction of blood pressure and to lower the risk of heart disease.

In a review of various scientific studies published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, the author noted that “High cocoa and chocolate consumption have been associated with a decreased risk for cardiovascular disease in a few population studies. A sub-study of a population from the Zutphen Elderly Study showed that cocoa consumption was associated with a decrease in blood pressure and overall cardiovascular mortality.”

Dark Chocolate has a High Nutritional Value

Consuming a moderate amount of natural dark chocolate, that is without sweeteners and other additives can certainly provide you with a range of nutritive values. From a single 100 gram bar of dark chocolate with 70–85% cocoa, you can get:

  • zinc, phosphorus, potassium, and selenium
  • 58% of the daily value for magnesium
  • 11 grams of fiber
  • 67% of the daily value for iron
  • 98% of the daily value for manganese
  • 89% of the daily value for copper.

All of these minerals contribute to the healthy functioning of our body, particularly the muscles.

These are only the primary benefits that you can derive from having healthy dark chocolate, as there is a whole list of other benefits to explore. Remember, although dark chocolate is healthy, you must consume it in moderation. Also, if you have underlying conditions, speak to your care provider before adopting new foods into your meal plans. Remember, your health is your responsibility, eat smart!


Galleano, M., Oteiza, P. I., & Fraga, C. G. (2009). Cocoa, chocolate, and cardiovascular disease. Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology, 54(6), 483–490.

Crozier, S.J., Preston, A.G., Hurst, J.W. et al. Cacao seeds are a “Super Fruit”: A comparative analysis of various fruit powders and products. Chemistry Central Journal 5, 5 (2011).

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