Things You Should Do To Relieve Heartburn

A person may experience heartburn when stomach acid flows back up (from your stomach), and irritates the lining of your esophagus, commonly known as your food pipe.

Here are six things that you can do to help relieve heartburn symptoms.

  1. Maintain a healthy weight

If you are overweight or obese, try dropping some kilograms so that you are at a much healthier weight. Engage in some form of physical activity daily and chat to a dietician if you need to make dietary changes.

  1. Eat smaller meals

Watch the portion size of every meal you consume. Stay aware of how much you are eating and avoid overeating.

  1. Reduce your intake of fat

Ensure that you are not consuming too much fat. Opt for lean cuts of meat and try to maintain a balanced diet daily.

  1. Wait a minimum of about three hours after your last meal, before going to bed and lying down.

Give your body some time to start digesting your meal before retiring for the day.

  1. Avoid food and beverage triggers

Try to avoid those foods as well as beverages that you find may trigger the symptoms of heartburn that you are experiencing. Common triggers may include alcohol, caffeinated drinks (for example coffee), chocolate, spicy foods and fatty foods such as those that are deep fried.

  1. Give up smoking

Quitting the habit of smoking will be beneficial to your health in many ways, one of which is helping to relive heartburn symptoms.

By Shenrina Badri

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