There are many health benefits of walking.
Walkers have less incidence of cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes and other killer diseases. They live longer and get mental health and spiritual benefits.
Walk and Exercise to Add Healthy Years to Your Life:
Analysis of research data shows that moderate and high levels of physical activity added disease-free years to life.
Walk Away From Colds:
Walking and Exercising Prevents Colds
Exercise and walking have been shown by research to reduce your risk of catching a cold. Find out more about exercise and your immune system and how to prevent catching a cold.
Walk and Live Longer Through Walking:
Research shows that walkers have a lower death rate
Walking Prevents Cancer and Glaucoma
Walking reduces the risks of developing cancer and glaucoma, according to research studies.
Walking Downhill Lowers Blood Sugar:
Research shows that walking only downhill had surprising benefits in lowering blood sugar levels and LDL cholesterol.
Walk More, Walk Faster Says the CDC:
Most walkers aren’t walking far enough, often enough or fast enough to get the full health benefits, according the Center for Disease Control.
Here are a few steps you can take to develop your own walking program:
Find ways to make your walking enjoyable, by listening to music, books on tape, or teaching tapes. Some people prefer to just enjoy nature and life around them, and the time to think, pray, or just let their mind wander. The more you enjoy your walks, the more likely you are to walk consistently.
Make it a daily habit – Walking daily makes you a much better “fat-burner” than if you are walking two to three days a week. And, most people that make the switch will tell you that it’s easier to walk every day. You don’t have to think about whether it’s a walk day or not and get geared up for it – you just do it every day and your body gets used to it. It soon becomes a normal part of your day and you begin to look forward to it.
Incorporate “intervals” into three or four of your walks each week. Intervals are brief periods (about one minute) of more intense exercise mixed into your walking sessions. For example, you would do a one minute interval of faster walking about every five minutes throughout your exercise session.
Walk with light (one to two pound) hand weights two to three days per week. Swing your arms and also use a variety of arm movements while walking to tone your upper body muscles and further increase your basal metabolic rate.
If at all possible, do your walking first thing in the morning. Over 90% of people who walk consistently, walk first thing in the morning. If you want to walk consistently, odds are in your favor if you hop to it early.
Look for situations throughout your day when you can do a little more walking. Welcome the opportunity to walk a little extra during your daily activities. For example, when safe to do so, park way out in the parking lot of Wal-Mart or your grocery store and hike to the store.
Make one day a week your “easy day.” Make this a very leisurely walk. Enjoy the sights and sounds around you and appreciate how good your walks are starting to feel as you lose weight and tone your muscles.By taking these steps you’re making this time each day a special time to take care of yourself.
Make that a priority in your life and don’t let anyone or anything keep you from that time. Walking every day will have a positive impact on all aspects of your life, including your weight and fitness level!