Top 6 Health Benefits Of Carrots

Whether consumed raw, cooked or even juiced carrots are regarded to be one of the most popular ultimate health foods. The savory vegetable which serves as an integral part of many kitchens has always proven to be more advantageous to the human body. Before delving into the benefits lets have some quick notes about this popular root vegetable.

Their signature colour is orange carrots can come in many shades including purple, yellow, red and even white.

Carrots can be planted all year round and can be used in the preparation of cakes, juices and dishes.

Antioxidants in carrots are called carotenoids. Among these carotenoids is beta-carotene which is responsible for the many benefits we know about carrots.

Also, it is worth noting that carrots are rich not only in vitamins but also fiber

Proven Health Benefits of carrots

Protects eye health

Carrots are found to have three crucial nutrients. These are:

Beta-carotene- which helps in warding off various forms of eye disorders including macular degeneration and blindness.

Zeaxanthin and lutein- these nutrients help in the reduction of age-related vision loss.

Vitamin A contained in carrots is regarded as one of the most crucial nutrients for protecting the eye; deficiency of this can lead to night blindness.

Do you know carrots preventcancer?

Dietary carotenoids have shown to possess anti-cancer effects, this is because of the presence of an antioxidant power which reduces free radicals in the human body. Beta-carotene supplementation helps in reduction of lung cancer and colorectal cancer. Carrot juice extract is also effective and either kills or inhibits the multiplication of leukaemia cells.

Healthy skin with carrots

Lack of vitamin A causes dryness not only to the skin but also to the hair and nails. Carrots which contain the necessary vitamin A will help prevent wrinkling of the skin, while also preventing acne, pigmentation, blemish and uneven skin tone. Carrots also contain vitamin C which has some healing properties for your skin, it helps the skin to rejuvenate and heal fast from external wounds and trauma.

It’s a natural detoxifier

Vitamin A present in carrots helps the liver in flushing out the toxin from the body. A carrot which contains fibre also helps in cleaning out the colon while hastening waste movement.

Healthier heart with carrots

Carrots which serve as an excellent source of potassium can help you in maintaining a healthy cholesterol level. This is because of the soluble fibres in carrots which bind with bile acids.

Protecting teeth and gums

Carrots consumption can serve as a very effective toothbrush and paste combined, how they do this is by stimulating the gums which in turn triggers a lot of salivae, this being alkaline tends to balance out the acid which can form cavities.

Finally, did you know that there are more than a 100 species of carrots?

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