Durian, the Strong Smelling Fruit with even Stronger Health Benefits

Durian, a tropical fruit and one of the world’s most potent smelling foods, is also referred to as “the king of fruits.” It is also a versatile and tasty delicacy that surprisingly carries a myriad of health benefits. These health benefits often go unnoticed since durian is primarily known for its smell. In fact, all across the world, if you say the word ‘durian,’ the first thing people think of is that very strong scent that radiates from the ripened fruit. The durian fruit also comes in several varieties, all of which have a strong and distinct aroma.

In this post, we want to give you other reasons to love, and think of durian. So, we will be sharing several health benefits that you can derive from consuming this fruit.

High Nutritive Content

To get a true sense of how nutritionally valuable the durian fruit is, let’s first look at the various minerals and vitamins that it contains. According to Food Data Central from the US Department of Agriculture, from one cup of the ripe, uncooked fruit, you will get:

  • Calories: 357
  • Fat: 13 grams
  • Carbs: 66 grams
  • Fiber: 9 grams
  • Protein: 4 grams
  • Vitamin C: 80% of the Daily Value
  • Thiamine: 61% of the Daily Value
  • Manganese: 39% of the Daily Value
  • Vitamin B6: 38% of the Daily Value
  • Potassium: 30% of the Daily Value
  • Riboflavin: 29% of the Daily Value
  • Copper: 25% of the Daily Value
  • Folate: 22% of the Daily Value
  • Magnesium: 18% of the Daily Value
  • Niacin: 13% of the Daily Value

Health Benefits of Durian

Prevent Cardiovascular Diseases

Durian contains a substance known as organosulfur. Health experts believe this substance can help with reducing the risk of heart disease. It may also aid with the regulation of the body’s inflammatory response.

Regulate Blood Pressure Levels

Eating a cup of durian can give you 30% of the Daily Value of potassium, which is instrumental in lowering blood pressure levels and managing hypertension.

Improve Digestive Health

Dietary fiber is one of the primary nutrients that help with easy bowel movement. Since durian is filled with dirty fiber, it goes without saying that it can aid with easy absorption and improved bowel movement.

Reduces the Risk of Cancer

Durian is also filled with antioxidants, which are ideal for protecting the body’s cells from certain damage that may lead to cancer development. Studies suggest that the polyphenols in durian are excellent for inhibiting the growth of cancer-causing cells, particularly in breast cancer.

Fights Infections

Some people use the extract from the rind to make products or brew as a tea, as the rind has antibacterial properties that can help with remedying infections caused by bacteria. 

How to Eat Durian

Durian can be eaten in its natural uncooked state or added to sweet and savory meals. You can eat the flesh and the seeds; however, the seeds must be cooked before consumption.

Here’s how to enjoy durian:

  • juice- blend the pulp, sweeteners are not necessary since the fruit is already very sweet.
  • enjoy the seeds boiled or roasted
  • soup
  • It can be processed into candy, ice cream, and other treats

Durian is a superfood that does not get enough recognition for its health benefits. Now that you know how medicinally powerful it is, you can share this information with your loved ones and eat some durian every now and then!


11 Promising Health Benefits Of The Nutritious Durian Fruit. (2013, July 12). STYLECRAZE. https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/amazing-benefits-of-durian-fruit/

FoodData Central. (2021). Usda.gov.


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