The Qualities of Being A Good Student

A good student has been described differently across the globe. One school of thought defines a good student as one who is always number one in class and maintains good grades through out. He is always the first to complete assignments and sometimes helps others in school work.  For this definition, this group defines a good student based on the merit system that observes academic performance only.

The second school of thought gives their definition based on the actual involvement of the student. It defines a good student as one who is always teachers favorite and is actively contributing in class and in all other activities, including being the first one to communicate to the teacher to send more assignments.

The two definitions are correct but would be better if combined to form characteristics that would define a good student. These would be:

Disciplined and Well Behaved

This is a student who displays good character in all aspects of his or her life. He is deemed to be morally upright and looked upon by the community and his or her peers. This student is envied by all members of the society and acts as a role model to his age mates and the younger generation.

Good Student Pays Attention to Advice He Receives

This is the student who will listen clearly to the instructions and adheres to the rules and regulations as expected. This is not only in class it is also in the community. He/she is the kind of person that will listen actively and behave as advised by his seniors irrespective of the authority they hold.  He exercises this with great humility and obedience without questioning the authority. He responds politely and through the right channel

Always Organised and A Good Time Keeper.

This student always works within the set timings and is always at the right place at the right time. He has good organisation skills and will be looked upon in school and in the community around. He is always neat and well groomed when in school or when out of the school. He will always be punctual in school being the first to report to school and within the right time. This student displays great leadership skills as he is relied on to mentor the other students.

Displays Great Commitment and Persistent to Learn

The driving force behind this student is a determination to excel. He/she will not depend on external forces to be in school. He has a personal motivation that keeps him going through out. This quality is displayed in school and in other aspects of life. He is the kind of student that will not give up or easily be worn out because things are not working as expected. In other words, he/she is a go-getter who is after success.

A combination of these qualities will make every student a good student independent of their race or community. They serve as a good formula to be able to excel in life not only in school.

Daryeel Magazine

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