Top 6 Foods To Boost Eyes Health And Vision

Our eyes are just one of the beautiful blessings we have and we tend to take them for granted. They help us in seeing the wonders of this world, read, and do our everyday chores. Hence, it is essential for us to take care of our eyes. Some people believe that weakened eyesight is inevitable when you are aging, but the thing that they are unaware of is that you can improve your eyesight or rather save your eyesight altogether if you taking a healthy diet. Various studies have found out that nutrients like Vitamin E, Vitamin C, zinc and others can prevent the failure in eyesight that may be a result of aging. Further studies concluded that omega-3 acids like copper and lutein are very important for the health of your eyes.

Short sightedness has become very common in America and is said to have doubled from the past few years. A lot of people may think that the reason behind this is an aging population, but the blame has to be put on lack of nutrients that we take for the health of our eyes. Here is a list of nutrients rich foods that will help you improve the health of your precious eyes:

Some green vegetables:

These green vegetables are beneficial for your eyes as they are a source of both lutein and other rich nutrients. A few of them even contain vitamin C that is good for your eyes. Some green vegetables that are helpful; spinach, collards and kale.


Many types of fish are known to have omega-3 acids in them that are of advantage to your eyes. The fish that are oily contain oil in their body tissue and even in their gut. Consuming these fish will give you your dosage of omega-3 acid. Fish can even help you with the dryness in your eyes. To name a few types of fish for you; tuna, salmon, sardines, and herring.


We mostly have little or no intake of nuts at all as we are totally unaware of the benefits consuming nuts has. Nuts are very rich in omega-3 acids and also contain high levels of vitamin E, which will help in protecting your eyes from aging effects. Nuts that can be of help in improving your eyes’ health can include peanuts, walnuts, Brazil nuts and many more.


Carrots are known to be good for the health of your eyes. They are rich in Vitamin A and also beta carotene. When it comes to vitamin A, it helps your vision as it allows your retina to absorb light.


Beef increases your zinc intake that is beneficial for long-term health of your eyes and also reduces the chances of vision loss due to aging.


Eggs have proved to be a source of lutein, zinc and many more nutrients that are known to be of help if you want to improve your eyes’ health.

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