Between constant meetings, phone calls and emails, staying productive at work can be a challenge. However, the odds of staying productive can be greatly improved by taking some simple steps in order to stay efficient.
Here are 12 tips to help you to make the most of your time at work:
1. Don’t let emails take over your day
We are all so accustomed to email that as soon as we see a new email in our inbox we instinctively click it on, focus on the content of the email, and respond. These seemingly tiny activities during the day can quickly add up to large amounts of time that not only cause your day to slip away, but also distract you from completing your current task.
If replying to or disposing of an e-mail takes less than two minutes, do it right away. Send less to receive less: Keep your e-mails short, and write fewer of them.
2. Eliminate unnecessary meetings
Face-to-face communication is essential (email is fraught with misinterpretation), but be ruthless about protecting your time. Avoid every meeting that isn’t truly necessary.
3. Learn how to say ‘no’
While everyone wants to be a good team player at work, saying ‘no’ is sometimes the right thing to do. If you are not the best person for a task, or if you have other pending deadlines, it is OK to turn down a work request.
4. Make lists
Creating to-do lists is perhaps the single most important productivity booster. Keep multiple lists: the short-term must-dos and the longer-term items. Also clearly define the tasks that can be delegated, and then actually delegate them. Divide your to-do list into different sections: (1) What you have to do right away, (2) What you have to do in the next few days, and (3) What can wait until later. That way, you always know what’s coming next, and you don’t have to worry about forgetting something.
By arranging your workday so that you tackle your most important priorities together, you will save time, be more efficient and ultimately produce higher quality work. In addition, by starting your day with the most important task, you will increase your productivity and get your day off to a good start.
5. Finish the tasks you dread most first
Procrastination settles in during a regular day at work for several reasons. One common problem is the requirement to complete least-favorite tasks. The best way to put an end to procrastination before it even comes into the picture is to complete the tasks that we dislike. As soon as those are done, the remaining day becomes less challenging or more exciting, with greater productivity!
6. Swear off social media
If you don’t need it for work, save Facebook for home and turn off Twitter during the work day.
7. Clear off your desk
Spend the last (of first) 15 minutes of each workday cleaning off your desk. Trash what you don’t need and file things once a day. If your desk is messy, you’ll almost certainly struggle to stay productive. Get magazine files, drawers and helpful storage solutions to keep your desk in order. De-clutter and get organized and you’ll start each day with a clean slate!
8. Make use of technology
There are amazing tools that you can use in the office to make you more productive and ultimately save time during the workday. Use GoogleDocs to collaborate with colleagues on documents. Use calendar planning tools to sync up your schedules with colleagues. Use Skype for video conferencing so that you can potentially reduce the need to travel for meetings. Also, work with your IT team to see if they have suggestions on which new technologies can be used to save time. They can be a tremendous resource not only to you, but to the entire organization.
9. Clear your mind
You don’t need to sit in the lotus position and chant, but you should take a few minutes, several times a day, to calm and clear your mind.
10. Take frequent breaks
People underestimate the importance of taking a break during the workday. While it’s important to be dedicated to your job, sitting and staring at a computer screen for hours at a time can actually be counterproductive. It can make you tired, groggy and less productive that you could be. So get up, walk around the office and take a few minutes for a ‘mental break.’ A short, five-minute walk will not only clear your head, but will also help get the blood flowing
11. Limit multitasking
Sounds unreasonable for today’s professional, right? Truth is, we’d all be much more productive if we stopped multitasking. In fact, career experts agree that the brain serves you better if you only focus on one thing at a time. So block out time to do specific tasks, and don’t switch from one activity to another at any given time.
12. Get in early
A quiet, empty office inherently means less distractions, so arrive early before the workroom gets crowded. Coworkers are one of the biggest distractions and can really put a damper on your daily productivity
Being productive at work requires focus and energy. And if you think you could be more productive at the office on any given workday, you probably could. Try implementing these tips into your work routine and you will not only increase efficiency, but also drive greater productivity and see better performance results.
Source: Business News Daily