10 Foods That Fight Bad Breath (Halitosis)

Halitosis or bad breath is a common condition that causes an unpleasant odour in our mouths and breath. While maintaining good dental hygiene is the most effective strategy to avoid bad breath, many foods have unique qualities that can affect how your mouth smells.

Cause of bad breath

There are two leading causes of foul breath:

  • Dental  hygiene concerns
  • Gastrointestinal  problems

This suggests that bad-breath is caused by issues in the digestive system and poor dental hygiene. The primary cause of these scents is the same, namely bacteria. If we see a doctor about our poor breath, he will first examine our food. Because we are what we consume, what we eat has a significant impact on our breath and, as a result, our personality. No one wants to sit next to or converse with someone who has bad-breath.

We’ve compiled a list of dietary supplements that can help fight bad-breath-causing bacteria in your mouth for your convenience.

  • Parsley

One of the most well-known remedies for foul breath is parsley. It’s the oils that do the trick. On the other hand, Spearmint and cinnamon can help cover bad breath. Coriander, cardamom tarragon, rosemary, and eucalyptus are other herbs and spices that function similarly.

  • Green tea

Potent antioxidant Catechin is present in Green tea, which can help fight microbes, which generates the unpleasant odour.

  • Yoghurt

Active microorganisms in yoghurt can help decrease foul breath. Probiotics (healthy bacteria) can counteract the nasty, foul-smelling microorganisms in yoghurt.

  • Ginger

While ginger is best known for calming an upset stomach, it can also help with bad breath. Ginger includes a chemical that causes Saliva to activate an enzyme. Once activated, Saliva can break down bacteria that produce the foul odours associated with bad breath.

  • Cheese

According to a study published in the Journal of the American Academy of General Dentistry, eating cheese elevated the pH in the patient’s mouth and reduced the risk of tooth decay. Chewing cheese boosts saliva production in your mouth, which helps fight bacteria that cause bad-breath. Cheese also contains proteins and calcium, which help to strengthen tooth enamel.

  • Almonds

Almonds and other nuts have a high fibre content. Fibre works as a collection of small toothbrushes, removing bacteria and debris from your teeth as you chew, which helps to prevent bad breath. Fibre-rich foods are beneficial because they prevent odour-causing germs from staining your teeth.

  • Mint

Mint has a strong aroma that might be a deodorizer when chewed. Chlorophyll, which possesses antibacterial characteristics, is also present.

  • Fennel Seeds

Fennel seeds were first used to treat foul breath in India. The seeds are designed to neutralize unwanted odours while also promoting good digestion. The seeds boost the Saliva produced by your body, which helps wash bacteria out of your mouth.

  • Melons, Oranges, and berries

Vitamin C is abundant in these fruits in particular. Vitamin C not only helps to keep bacteria at bay, but it also aids in the treatment of gum disorders and gingivitis, both of which can lead to foul breath.

  • Water

While not exactly a food, water is possibly the most straightforward cure for the foul mouth. It keeps your mouth moist while also rinsing dirt from your teeth, limiting the growth of harmful bacteria. Saliva is our mouth’s first line of defence against microorganisms, and drinking water boosts saliva production.


Use these ten foods to keep your breath smelling fresh throughout the day. You’ll not only improve your breathing, but you’ll also be doing a significant favour for others who have to breathe in what you’re exhaling.

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