10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a highly delicious spice. It has been prized for its medicinal properties for thousands of years. Modern science has now confirmed what people have instinctively known for ages.

Cinnamon is Loaded With Antioxidants

Antioxidants protect the body from oxidative damage caused by free radicals. Cinnamon is loaded with powerful antioxidants, such as polyphenols.

In a study that compared the antioxidant activity of 26 spices, cinnamon wound up as the clear winner, even outranking “superfoods” like garlic and oregano . In fact, it is so powerful that cinnamon can be used as a natural food preservative.

Cinnamon Has Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Inflammation in the body is incredibly important. It helps the body fight infections and repair tissue damage. However, inflammation can become a problem when it is chronic (long-term) and directed against the body’s own tissues.

Cinnamon may be useful in this regard, because some studies show that the antioxidants in it have potent anti-inflammatory activity.

It has natural anti-infectious compounds.

In some studies, cinnamon has been effective against ulcer-causing H. pylori bacteria and other pathogens. However, there have been mixed results in other studies, so more research is needed.

It may reduce pain linked to arthritis.

Cinnamon has been shown in studies at the Department of Internal Medicine, Kangnam Korean Hospital, to reduce cytokines linked to arthritic pain.

Cinnamon May Cut the Risk of Heart Disease.

Cinnamon has been linked with reduced risk of heart disease, the world’s most common cause of premature death. In people with type 2 diabetes, 1 gram of cinnamon per day has beneficial effects on blood markers.

It reduces levels of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, while HDL cholesterol remains stable . More recently, a big review study concluded that a cinnamon dose of just 120 milligrams per day can have these effects. In this study, cinnamon also increased HDL (the “good”) cholesterol .

In animal studies, cinnamon has been shown to reduce blood pressure . When combined, all these factors may drastically cut the risk of heart disease.

Cinnamon Lowers Blood Sugar Levels and Has a Powerful Anti-Diabetic Effect

Cinnamon is well known for its blood sugar lowering effects. Apart from the beneficial effects on insulin resistance, cinnamon can lower blood sugar by several other mechanisms.

First, cinnamon has been shown to decrease the amount of glucose that enters the bloodstream after a meal. It does this by interfering with numerous digestive enzymes, which slows the breakdown of carbohydrates in the digestive tract .

Second, a compound in cinnamon can act on cells by mimicking insulin. This greatly improves glucose uptake by cells, although it acts much slower than insulin itself.

Cinnamon May Have Beneficial Effects on Neurodegenerative Diseases

Cinnamon holds promise for various neurodegenerative diseases, including: Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, brain tumor, and meningitis, according to research at the Cytokine Research Laboratory, Department of Experimental Therapeutics, The University of Texas.  Their research shows that cinnamon reduces chronic inflammation linked with these neurological disorders.

Cinnamon is effective for menstrual pain and infertility.

It’s been proven effective for menstrual pain and infertility.  Cinnamon contains a natural chemical called cinnamaldehyde, which studies show increases the hormone progesterone and decreases testosterone production in women, helping to balance hormones.

Cinnamon Helps Fight Bacterial and Fungal Infections

Cinnamaldehyde, the main active component of cinnamon, may help fight various kinds of infection. Cinnamon oil has been shown to effectively treat respiratory tract infections caused by fungi.

It can also inhibit the growth of certain bacteria, including Listeria and Salmonella. The antimicrobial effects of cinnamon may also help prevent tooth decay and reduce bad breath.

Cinnamaldehyde has antifungal and antibacterial properties, which may reduce infections and help fight tooth decay and bad breath.

Fights against skin problems

If you’re tired of spending money on acne creams and ointments but failed to get the desired results, it’s time to take some home remedy approach. Considering the multiple benefits you get, home-made and natural remedies are turning more and more popular.

Cinnamon is widely known for its multiple health benefits. However, only few people know that it can be advantageous for your skin as well. Just add a little cinnamon powder to lemon juice and you have an effective acne solution. A blend of honey and cinnamon is highly effective for healing wounds and treating skin itching problems. It’s also effective for treating blackheads; just a few drops of fresh lemon juice and a pinch of cinnamon powder should help you in getting effective results.

Sources: authoritynutrition.com and care2.com

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